Men’s Ministry seeks to involve men in various Bible Study opportunities on Wednesday nights, service teams that assist with special projects both within and outside the walls of the church, and periodic retreats, sporting events, and leisure activities where men get to know each other as men.
Women of Joy seeks to involve the women of the congregation in Bible Study opportunities on Tuesday morning and evening, organizes service opportunities, supports our missionaries, coordinates meals and other services for people in need, and sponsors showers and fellowship events to mobilize and minister to the needs of today’s women.
Mixed Adult Groups meet throughout the year for prayer ministry at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, Adult Sunday School classes which meet at 9:15 a.m. on Sundays, Discipleship Bible studies called S.A.L.T. (Simply A Life Transformed) from 5:00 – 7:15 p.m. on Sundays at the church, which includes a supper and childcare for participants; and various adult social events. Adults also participate in numerous service and outreach projects throughout the year through B.O.W. (Beyond Our Walls).
Ministry Teams provide the skeleton for the ministry areas of our church, all of which are led by either paid or volunteer staff and report to our Lead Pastor. Currently there are ten ministry teams providing direction and support in the areas of Adult Discipleship, Care Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Finance, Men’s Ministry, Prayer, Property, Women’s Ministry, Worship, and Youth.