(651) 905-5900 | 4015 Northview Terrace, Eagan MN | office@cojlbc.org

Sunday School Class for high school students, grades 9-12; meets from 9:15 – 10:15 on Sunday mornings during the academic year around biblical and topical themes relevant to the spiritual development of youth.

Confirmation is a two year program for grades 7-8 meeting on Sundays from 9:15 – 10:15 a.m., beginning in mid September and concluding with Confirmation Sunday on the first Sunday in May. This program includes pastoral instruction based on Scripture and Luther’s Small Catechism, homework assignments based on a workbook; and a power-point quiz format based on the game show, Jeopardy. In addition, students submit worship notes based on their experience in Sunday morning worship and are strongly encouraged to attend an annual Confirmation Retreat at Inspiration Point Bible Camp in March with confirmation classes from other churches in our region.

High School Youth Group is under the direction of our newest staff member, Daniel Dyrud, who recently completed a one year ministry training program of Inspiration Point Bible Camp called Checkpoint.  Daniel will teach the High School Sunday School Class beginning on September 13th, at 9:15 a.m. and will announce further opportunities for youth in the coming days.  We’re excited to welcome Daniel to our ministry staff.

Special Events such as paint ball, skiing, socials, sporting events, service projects, church fundraisers, concerts, camps, conferences, retreats, and missions trips are scheduled throughout the year to round out the spiritual growth and development of our youth and those they invite to participate.
