(651) 905-5900 | 4015 Northview Terrace, Eagan MN | office@cojlbc.org

A group of youth and adults from COJ will be serving in Juarez, Mexico, March 23-30, 2013. We will be working with the Youth With a Mission (WYAM) staff during their Super Semana ministry in the mornings. Super Semana is similar to our VBS, for ages 4-10. In the afternoons, we will experience different types of ministry, such as  evangelism, mercy ministries, prayer ministry, service ministry, physical ministry (usually one day) and more. In order to prepare for our work in Juarez, we will be training on Sunday evenings, beginning on Jan 13. Training will include learning some Spanish, preparing our hearts & minds for service, and preparing skits, puppets &/or mime to use while in Juarez. Participants will need passports & appropriate shots, and will need to provide their own airline ticket (so that those who have them can use points), and a fee to cover meals & lodging. Please contact the church office at office@communityofjoy.org if you are interested in being a part of this life changing ministry.
