S.A.L.T., the acronym for “Simply A Life Transformed,” is a key component of Community of Joy’s Adult Discipleship program. On Saturday, February 2, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. at Community of Joy, a one-half day intensive course called, ...
A group of youth and adults from COJ will be serving in Juarez, Mexico, March 23-30, 2013. We will be working with the Youth With a Mission (WYAM) staff during their Super Semana ministry in the mornings. Super Semana is similar to our VBS, for ages 4-10. In the...
On October 17-21 a team of relief workers from Community of Joy will participate in the ongoing effort to rebuild Minot after the devastating flood of 2011 which destroyed numerous homes in that city and surrounding area. Please uphold them in prayer as they seek to...
Ryan Karp, the Director of Campus Ministries for Chosen People Ministries, will be the featured speaker at Community of Joy on Sunday, October 14th. He will speak to our Confirmation, Sr. High and Adult Classes on the topic – “God’s Promises and...
The following is an excerpt from an article entitled “Keep It Complicated” from the September 9, 2012 posting of the Gospel Coalition Blog, which resonates with CoJ’s rationale for and commitment to Adult Bible Study. I have often pondered the...